50/50 Charity – Feed The Need
4 Turning Leaf Dr., Windham, ME
Thank you to all who bought golf balls for the 2023 Golf Ball Drop at Summerfest!
On Saturday, July 24, and because of you, we dropped 550 Balls!
Congratulations to Wendy Nugent (pictured with Robin below), winner of the Grand Prize and to the following who won gift cards to local dining establishments:
Gary Plummer, Nick Hammond, Wayne Morse, Karen Rumo, Jeff Wyman. Bob Wassick, Chip Richard, Don Drew, Max Bangs, Jim McNulty, Chris McDonald, Sehya Prum, Wyatt Richards, Kyle Kent, Kenny Cianchette.
Sponsors needed – We have a new venue in Windham (Dundee Park), live music with Ragged Jack and NO covid restrictions – yippee!! The event features Maine Distillers showcasing their fabulous locally produced spirits (spirits available to purchase on site). There are also food trucks and beach games. Join us Saturday, September 16th for this fun event!
SIGNATURE GOLD SPONSOR (Exclusive) – $3,000
Please contact Robin at director@sebagolakeschamber.com to be a sponsor.